
Episode 197 – SNAP!

Tony White, Adam Bishop, Chris Ellis and Chris Gilpin rock the mike with a few mail calls. Kickstarter stickers, comics, keychains, galore as we reflect on the projects we backed over the past decade or […]


Episode 161 – whoops

No! I didn’t lose the first 15 minutes of this episode, you did!! Basically, we whined about not loving DC’s Future State, how it was just using up material already produced for Dan Didio’s cancelled […]

Episode 55

Episode 55

Chris, Dan and Marty chat about the speculators driving up prices and creating collector confusion over key comics. The influence movies and trends have on them. Dan is getting a story published in the Auroraman […]

Episode 25

Episode 25

Well, this is the last episode of the winter season. Small, two week break from the “on air” side of things but we have a few tricks up our sleeves for you Interweb downloaders. In […]